Final Trinona Thoughts

>> Tuesday, June 20, 2017

I just have 6 final post-race thoughts from the Trinona Triathlon just over a week ago:

• The 5K I did 2 weeks before this race helped my triathlon. The Brian Kraft 5K was 13 days before Trinona, and I think that hard run helped me feel more "comfortable" on the final 5K of the triathlon. It was a well-timed race pre-triathlon.

• I emptied my water bottle over the course of the 11 mile bike! I've never done that before. It was warm and humid, but not HORRIBLE. (I didn't feel like the heat was getting to me on the final 5K run.) I mentioned in my race report that I was pretty sweaty on the bike, but I forgot to mentioned that I nearly drained my water bottle over the short 11 mile ride. Whew. It was sticky out there. (But at least there wasn't any sun, and I've come to realize THAT'S what zaps me.)

• I really felt happy with my "consistent" effort. I didn't have a KILLER swim, bike, or run. But they were all "solid." I keep thinking I could have MAYBE biked a LITTLE harder, but in the end, who knows. But as I mentioned in my race report, I was happy with my pretty even age group placement of 2nd, 3rd, and 1st in swim, bike, and run.

• Glen got a photo of me with my camera. Post-race this is usually what I look like:

Stalking people with a camera. And with a fresh mosquito bite on my jaw.

• Here's a bunch of "thank yous" in a Facebook recap. I posted this 2 days after the race:

This kinda wraps it up nicely.

• Everything is feeling good! (On my body.) In fact, I just dropped from an acupuncture appointment every 14 days with Robert at Element Wellness Group to an appointment ever 28 days. PROGRESS!

That's all for now! Back with some awesome/funny race photos soon, and some training updates.


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